Several of the men in the press box are starting to take down their computers.
Trivia Time: Did you know that in 1978 Tony LaRussa lead the Smokies to a 88-56 record? They were 32 games over .500 and went on to be the Champs that year. Now look where he is.
Blake Parker is now pitching for the Smokies.
Between innings they crowned a new Rock, Paper, Scissors champion.
Game over. 13-3.
I'd like to thank the entire Smokies organization for all of their assistance.
I wish the Smokies were better at showcasing their history. All the players they've had from Knoxville to Sevierville would make an awesome display. Almost every other minor league park shows off their past, the Smokies seem to ignore it. Carlos Delgado, Orland Hudson, Miguel Montero, Roy Halliday....not a mention