It took me some time to scan the haul and collect my thoughts about the card show. I don't know that they are even all collected here.
Several readers expressed interest in the Ethel Green silk. Some research shows that this is probably part of the Silk Film Stars 'set' that was issued in the early 19-teens by tobacco companies.
The American Card Catalog designated this set as S72-1.

Ethel Green was some sort of actress or vaudeville performer. She was popular enough to get two different poses for this set. I found another, more complete (less frayed) image of this silk from some auction site. The seller is asking about $20 for it. I kind of like mine a bit better. From the stitch marks perhaps it was sewn on to a handkerchief or a pillow. I often wonder about the provenance of the ephemera I scoop up. How did it get from the original point of origin to my hands?

I got this next card from the same seller. The paper is thin enough that you can see the printing from the other side. I wasn't familiar with this set so I thought I found something very rare. I figured that it might be from the 1970s, but wasn't sure.

Here's the set description from the
2009 Standard Catalog of Baseball Cards...
This set of (mostly) Hall of Famers was issued in conjunction with the annual convention of Motorola electronics dealers. Cards were issued singly in a wax wrapper with a piece of bubblegum. Sepia player photos are featured in an oval at center. Player identification and a career highlight are in the white frame around the photo. A sales message appears in a white box at bottom. Overall borders are rust colored. Backs have information about various Motorola products.
That must have been one swinging convention.

dkwilson, over at
It's like having my own Card Shop is interested in cards featuring players holding multiple bats. I found this 1960 Fleer Johnny Mize. Seven bats. Seven.

This is back when cards were made out of raw cardboard. Tree pulp and everything. I wouldn't be surprised if a squirrel or two got caught up in the grinder and are part of somebody's collection.

There was a dealer that had boxes and boxes of autograph and relic cards for 2 bucks each. I leafed through them. Many minor leaguers, many being set issued on-card autos. No, I don't remember which manufacturer. I had no connection to them so I let them lay in the box.

This one sort of spoke to me. I liked the movie,
A League of their Own, mostly for Jon Lovitz. What a ham. The dealer said that he got this card signed when he was living near Carlsbad, NM. Last fall I picked up the book,
A Whole New Ball Game by Sue Macy from a library discard sale.

I'm slowly reading it, even though it was written for young adults. The author has enough meat in the story to make it a worthwhile read for older adults. When I'm finished reading the book it probably will find a way out to a certain collector in NM. And her mom.
Back to the silk trader, I found this 1950 Topps Freedom's War card. Yes, that is some sort of hole punched in the upper left hand corner. Very clean punch. The card is rather crisp. I think that Topps was trying to instill some sort of patriotism in the young boys that might collect this set.

I'm assuming that the cards, when assembled in order, provided some sort of storyline. I'm also assuming that "The Reds" that surprised their outfit and and the "two Reds" that got blasted referred to Communists, not the baseball players from Cincy. A nice double-tap by the Captain.

This is another one of those cards that I just wanted when I saw it. I didn't know they existed before Saturday. 1952 Topps Look 'n See.

Washington Irving was a famous American. He wrote stories. Not many other Americans have done that. Mostly we just plagiarize.

I haven't tried to place the red paper over the card to find out the answer. I keep forgetting. I'll try to remember tonight. If I do, I'll share the answer.
In an upcoming post I'll feature some of the dealers that were at the show. Pictures and everything.