Yes, time to assemble my thoughts and submit my entry for the sixth Blog Bat Around. Gellman, over at
Sports Cards Uncensored, is hosting this time. The topic is:
... Why do you blog? What made you choose Sports Cards as your topic of choice? What got you started? What has been your favorite post from your own work?
Hmmm. I've been mulling this over for a few days, which has given me some insight into myself. At first, I couldn't find a reason. Then it turned into self doubt. In
my opinion, there are several bloggers that have better wordsmithery, a better angle, a better insight, better cards. They've found their stride, their niche. At times, I still feel like a newborn foal, I can stand up, perhaps take a few steps, but I'm shaky. I considered putting up the keyboard for a while. Then, I get a heartfelt comment. I find that I'm on someone's essential reading list. I see that I get a mention on one of the
big blogs and my visitor counter spikes for a day or two.
But this isn't about me getting noticed, getting a mention. It isn't even about visitor hits.
-- Sidenote: I've taken the visitor counter off the site. I'll still look at the stats, seeing if there are patterns, but I don't need to look at the number every day. It doesn't do me any good and I'm never going to catch Mario's numbers. This isn't a race.
I think I blog because it brings me pleasure. It is relaxing for me. I have an interest in the subject. Part of it is that I think I have something to bring to the discussion. Everyone does.
Returning to Gellman's questions, I think that I started blogging after finding Ben Henry's
Baseball Card Blog. From there I found
Punk Rock Paint. I don't know why I opened this blog.
My favorite post from my work? That's like asking "Who is your favorite child?"
Giving it away or
Would the hat-check girl. Or the one with the books. Or the one with the catalogs. Or the Earl Wilsons. Or mail days. Or maybe the T206s or the T3 Turkey Reds. Or the card shops. No, the Earl Wilsons. Definitely the Earl Wilsons. Or the Hershisers.
I blog because I like to. I keep blogging because I like the people that I've met through this (and other) blogs. I blog because it keeps me off the streets.