Thursday, July 14, 2011

Custom Cards and their Makers

The other day, Bob Lemke wrote:
You might be surprised at the number of custom card makers out there, and the breadth of their efforts. If I was the organizing type, I'd try to get everybody together on one web site to share our creations, tips, etc.
So, I asked a fellow blogger who did some custom cards and then I went looking out on the net.  I've assembled the list below.  Some of the bloggers create cards to sell, some for TTM autographs, some just to play with.

These are in no particular order and I'm sure that I've missed a few.  If I have, please let me know in the comment section and I'll add them to this list.


    1. Here are a few more.

      Hupe Royalty

      Monkey Boner

    2. I've done a few on my blog.

