Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'm Certified

This showed up in Saturday's mail.

Philip Lowry, author of Baseball's Longest Games and Green Cathedrals, sent this to me for finding an unknown marathon game.  Phil is a fellow SABR member.  He asked if I could share some info with the group that I lead (East Tennessee Chapter) to see if they could find more games.  I took a look around my usual haunts and came up blank in Tennessee, but then I broadened my locations.

Here's what I found about the 20 inning game.

So, thanks, Phil.  I'm honored to accept the certificate and more honored to assist in research.

I had expanded on a bit of Phil's work in Green Cathedrals a bit ago.  I located the location of the Star Baseball Grounds in Covington, Kentucky.

I'm always a bit troubled by using the terms "I found" or "I located".  The information is and has been sitting there, for all to see.  I just connect the dots and share what I learn.

1 comment:

  1. Perseverance paid off. Again! Good work in "noticing" the data.

    AZ Outpost
