Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Books

I've been taking stock of my recent reading.  I recently completed:
I just started to read Pride and Prejudice this week and although good, it doesn't contain enough baseball.  So I figured that I should find some other books to fill that void.  One of my local used book stores fit the bill.

Dorothy Seymour Mills helped her husband Harold Seymour write this and two others in the Baseball series. SABR says: "No one may be called a student of baseball history without having read these indispensable works."  It set me back a buck and a half.

I'm not familiar this title or Donn Rogosin's work, but it was another buck and a half book.

The title of the next book makes me uncomfortable.  Art Rust, Jr. addresses that in the Author's Note in this, the second edition.  He declares that he'd rather be honest than inoffensive so he didn't succumb to the political correctness that was calling him to change the title.  I enjoy oral histories.  I think that I'll enjoy this two buck book.

What are you reading this summer?


  1. Those look like great books ! I spend a lot of time in Good Will, Salvation Army and other thrift stores searching for baseball books.I just can't see paying the $25-40 for new ones.

    Like you,I don't like the one title.Hopefully the rest of the book is written with a different attitude.

  2. Excellent set of books you got there. I have tried forever to get a first edition of Rust's book. Not that easy to find. I'm surprised that Darryl Strawberry wrote the introduction to the revised edition. Seems like an odd choice.

    As you know, what I read is on my blog. The only baseball reading I have going on right now is Crazy '08.

  3. What am I reading this summer? Too much non-fiction. In sports, I'm getting through A Good Walk Spoiled, about a year on the PGA tour. I'm also reading Affluenza, a British book on the virus of wanting too much. Beside that is The Man Who Ate Everything, the collected writings of a food critic in the 1990s. And then a commentary on Romans. My night-time reading earlier this summer was the book of Isaiah, and now I'm through 1 Corinthians, and starting 2 Corinthians. All good (or at least interesting) books, but I'm still hungry for some fiction.
